Travel Insurance Articles

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The Real Danger of Flying? DVT, also known as Economy Class Syndrome

The Real Danger of Flying? DVT, also known as Economy Class Syndrome

March is deep vein thrombosis (DVT) awareness month and we thought it a good time to...

The Most Common Vaccine-Preventable Travelers Disease – Hepatitis A

The Most Common Vaccine-Preventable Travelers Disease – Hepatitis A

According to the CDC and other medical sources, the hepatitis A virus is the most common...

You’ve just been asked for a bribe, now what do you do?

You’ve just been asked for a bribe, now what do you do?

Contrary to the popular belief of some inexperienced travelers, bribing is not a tool used exclusively...

Don’t Let an Insect Bite Ruin Your Health on Your Next Vacation or Business Trip

Don’t Let an Insect Bite Ruin Your Health on Your Next Vacation or Business Trip

The list of mosquito- and tick-borne diseases is populated with really scary ones. Some of these...