Essential Spring Break Trip Planning Tips

25 February 2022
Essential Spring Break Trip Planning Tips

After two years of staying home and backyard getaways, travelers are eager (some say desperate) for a vacation. People are less scared this year, especially those who are fully vaccinated and boosted. There is also less confusion about the rules for planes and indoor venues. 

With spring break kicking off in just a few weeks, many people are itching to get back to their former traditions.

According to a recent survey, more than half of Americans are planning a trip this spring and 37% are specifically planning a spring break trip.

Where are they going?

  • 23% are opting for a staycation
  • 18% plan to travel internationally

Here’s how to plan a safe spring break trip in 2022.

Choose a less populated destination

In pre-pandemic times, travelers chose their spring break destinations based on price and distance. While COVID-19 cases are lower overall, the Mayo Clinic’s Infectious Diseases Specialist Dr. Adi Shah recommends avoiding highly populated areas where transmission could be higher.

This year, travelers are choosing their spring break destinations based on ease-of-travel factors including:

  1. Number of visitors
  2. COVID restrictions

To satisfy both of those factors, you might consider a domestic spring break vacation. Here’s a list of places with history, sun, and lots of entertainment where you won’t have the hassle of COVID-19 tests

If the number one factor affecting your choice of spring break location is cost, consider this list of cheap spring travel destinations.

Keep sanitizing

Between shared rides, airport security bins, and public restrooms you’re gonna want to keep sanitizing. It’s not just about COVID-19 either. You don’t want to come back with a cold or the flu and have to go through the process of figuring out whether it’s coronavirus or not.

Stash some disinfecting wipes in your backpack or carry on bag and de-germ as you go.

Stay powered up

No one needs a low battery when they’re traveling. Your phone and tablets are critical to keeping a spring break trip on track. Before you leave, take the time to find a portable charger that can fully charge your phone and the kids’ tablets quickly and reliably. 

See the best portable chargers of 2022 according to CNN.

Pack a personal safety device

Whether you’re traveling alone or with small children, having a plan for self-defense can make you feel safer and more prepared. These days, a portable alarm is one form of personal safety device that’s catching on.

A personal alarm will emit a loud siren and strobe light when activated. The best personal alarms can be deactivated easily and they won’t get you stopped at the airport security checkpoint.

Here’s a review of two popular personal safety devices.

Check regularly for changes

Travel is not quite back to the old normal. The rules change often, as you’ve seen over the past year. Check the restrictions at your destination regularly as you plan your spring break trip, especially a few days before you depart. Here’s what you need to check:

  • the airline regulations, if you’re flying
  • the destination restrictions (for example, will you need a particular type of mask to enter restaurants or public transportation)
  • the rules for when you return, especially for school (for example, will you or the kids need to quarantine after coming back)

With luck, you’ll find that the restrictions for your destination are even further eased (fingers crossed). If not, you’ll know whether you need to make changes to adapt your travel plans.

Just in case: here’s the latest on how to find coronavirus testing and quarantine facilities if you’re traveling abroad for spring break.

Other interesting news

Rare foods worth traveling for: see ten of the world’s rarest foods  and where to find them.

Want a job? The TSA is hiring (with a built-in sign on bonus and pay increases) ahead of an expected busy summer travel season. 

$49 a month to travel between 16 west coast cities all year long? Alaska Airlines has started a new subscription flight service. Is this a good idea or a bad one?

JetBlue announces service between New York’s JFK airport and Puerto Vallarta

Damian Tysdal

Damian Tysdal is the founder of CoverTrip, and is a licensed agent for travel insurance (MA 1883287). He believes travel insurance should be easier to understand, and started the first travel insurance blog in 2006.

Damian Tysdal is the founder of CoverTrip, and is a licensed agent for travel insurance (MA 1883287). He believes travel insurance should be easier to understand, and started the first travel insurance blog in 2006.