Travel Insurance Articles

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Do not shop for Travel Insurance based on Price Alone

Do not shop for Travel Insurance based on Price Alone

Every traveler is looking for the best deal and no one likes to feel they’ve paid...

Why buying Travel Insurance from a 3rd party company is better than buying from a Cruise Line

Why buying Travel Insurance from a 3rd party company is better than buying from a Cruise Line

Cruise travelers are usually offered a host of protection plans and waiver plans by the cruise...

Buying Travel Insurance Directly from the Company vs. Using a Comparison Site

Buying Travel Insurance Directly from the Company vs. Using a Comparison Site

Travel insurance companies offer their products for purchase on their own websites to make it easy...

Bankruptcy/Financial Default Coverage

Bankruptcy/Financial Default Coverage

This coverage provides reimbursement for your pre-paid travel costs (up to the policy limit) in the...