Travel Insurance Articles

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Lost in the Lot? Tips for Finding Your Car while Traveling

Lost in the Lot? Tips for Finding Your Car while Traveling

If you travel for work, for family, even for fun, you may have experienced that moment...

What does ‘brace for impact’ really mean?

What does ‘brace for impact’ really mean?

In the case of US Airways Flight 1549, now known as the “Miracle on the Hudson”,...

Your Credit Card Doesn’t Deliver the Travel Protection You Think it Does

Your Credit Card Doesn’t Deliver the Travel Protection You Think it Does

If you’ve heard that your credit card has travel protection, you may be right (depending on...

Top 3 Reasons to See Your Doctor Before You Travel

Top 3 Reasons to See Your Doctor Before You Travel

Before you travel overseas, and sometimes when you travel within your own home country, it's recommended...