Travel Insurance Articles

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Prepare for a Personal Medical Emergency with a Travel Medical Portfolio

Prepare for a Personal Medical Emergency with a Travel Medical Portfolio

Many well-prepared travelers miss this step, but as anyone who has experienced a travel medical emergency...

Finding Medical Care On the Road and In a Hurry

Finding Medical Care On the Road and In a Hurry

It's been estimated that around 20 percent of all travelers get sick each year, and out...

How to Survive a Cruise Ship Sinking Disaster

How to Survive a Cruise Ship Sinking Disaster

Cruise ship disasters such as the sinking of the Costa Concordia are sensational news stories that...

Don’t copy your bank cards; we’ve got a much better system

Don’t copy your bank cards; we’ve got a much better system

When your purse or wallet is stolen on a trip, all of your access to cash...