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5 Tips for Insuring Spring Break Trips

5 Tips for Insuring Spring Break Trips

Spring Break season is nearly upon us and as college students around the country are gearing...

3 Tips to Protect that ‘Wave Season’ Deal for Real Cruise Savings

3 Tips to Protect that ‘Wave Season’ Deal for Real Cruise Savings

The cruise industry calls it ‘wave season and it typically takes place between January and March,...

8 Tips for a Safe Visit to the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia

8 Tips for a Safe Visit to the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia

Large-scale sporting events with thousands - even hundreds of thousands - of spectators have always been...

5 Tips to Prepare for Safe Long Haul Flight with Young Kids

5 Tips to Prepare for Safe Long Haul Flight with Young Kids

Long haul flights are a nightmare of boredom, cramped positions, and too much television but they’re...